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Vistas of Modernity [Revised new edition]

+++decolonial aesthesis and the end of the contemporary+++

+++Rolando Vázquez+++

Author Rolando Vázquez
Editor Rosa te Velde
Preface Gloria Wekker
Epilogue Walter Mignolo
Translation foreword Irene de Craen
Final diting Carmen Muskee, Mirjam Beerman (original texts), Eleonoor Jap Sam (revised edition)
Proofreading Irene de Craen, Angela Jerardi, Eleonoor Jap Sam
Graphic designer Stout/Kramer
Printer T.B.A.
ISBN 978-94-93329-30-0 
Number of pages approx. 208
Book size 12.4 x 18.6 cm
Binding Hardcover
Publisher Jap Sam Books
Release date Spring 2025

You are viewing the new revised edition of Vistas of Modernity, published by Jap Sam Books. This edition includes a new foreword (Gloria Wekker) and epilogue (Walter Mignolo).

The first (2020) and second (2021) print of Vistas of Modernity were commissioned and published by Mondriaan Fund with Jap Sam Books as publishing partner. Edited by Rosa te Velde, with a foreword by Eelco van der Lingen (Director Mondriaan Fund). Translation of the foreword by Mari Shields. Final editing by Mirjam Beerman and Carmen Muskee. Printed by Zwaan Printmedia.

This previous edition with ISBN 978-90-76936-53-6 is not available anymore. For more information: Mondriaan Fonds


We are living in a time of polarization. Cultural and educational institutions are confronted with the responsibility to provide tools and spaces for critical reflection, for engagement, and, more fundamentally, for meeting and recognizing each other in our differences. In this decolonial essay Rolando Vázquez introduces his critique which offers an option for thinking and doing beyond the dominant paradigms. It provides a critical analysis of modernity understood broadly as the western project of civilization, while it seeks to overcome the dominion of western epistemology and aesthetics and their embedded eurocentrism and anthropocentrism.

Importantly for decolonial thought we are all located in relation to the colonial difference that structures our modern/colonial order. It is only from an awareness of our positioned realities that we can enter in relation with each-other, that we can listen to each-other and learn each-other.

About the author: Rolando Vázquez is Professor of Post/Decolonial Theories and Literatures, with a focus on the Global South at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. Since 2010, he co-directs with Walter Mignolo the annual Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School. He is advisor at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam and the TextielMuseum in Tilburg.

From the foreword by Gloria Wekker: 'Rolando teaches students, but really all of us, critical literacy with regard to images, TV, films, history, and everything that daily feeds and teaches us the content of what it means to be human, modern, an individual, which always already means being superior to animals, Earth and others of colour and taking distance from them, who is included and who is excluded from that dominant imagery, that “choreography of thinking and sensing”, as Rolando puts it.

I am not often moved by academic work, but I am by the poetic quality of this work.'

decolonial aesthesis and the end of the contemporary

Rolando Vázquez


Vistas of Modernity [Revised new edition]

decolonial aesthesis and the end of the contemporary

Rolando Vázquez


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Art / Bookazines / Series / Theory / Upcoming

Author Rolando Vázquez
Editor Rosa te Velde
Preface Gloria Wekker
Epilogue Walter Mignolo
Translation foreword Irene de Craen
Final diting Carmen Muskee, Mirjam Beerman (original texts), Eleonoor Jap Sam (revised edition)
Proofreading Irene de Craen, Angela Jerardi, Eleonoor Jap Sam
Graphic designer Stout/Kramer
Printer T.B.A.
ISBN 978-94-93329-30-0 
Number of pages approx. 208
Book size 12.4 x 18.6 cm
Binding Hardcover
Publisher Jap Sam Books
Release date Spring 2025

You are viewing the new revised edition of Vistas of Modernity, published by Jap Sam Books. This edition includes a new foreword (Gloria Wekker) and epilogue (Walter Mignolo).

The first (2020) and second (2021) print of Vistas of Modernity were commissioned and published by Mondriaan Fund with Jap Sam Books as publishing partner. Edited by Rosa te Velde, with a foreword by Eelco van der Lingen (Director Mondriaan Fund). Translation of the foreword by Mari Shields. Final editing by Mirjam Beerman and Carmen Muskee. Printed by Zwaan Printmedia.

This previous edition with ISBN 978-90-76936-53-6 is not available anymore. For more information: Mondriaan Fonds

We are living in a time of polarization. Cultural and educational institutions are confronted with the responsibility to provide tools and spaces for critical reflection, for engagement, and, more fundamentally, for meeting and recognizing each other in our differences. In this decolonial essay Rolando Vázquez introduces his critique which offers an option for thinking and doing beyond the dominant paradigms. It provides a critical analysis of modernity understood broadly as the western project of civilization, while it seeks to overcome the dominion of western epistemology and aesthetics and their embedded eurocentrism and anthropocentrism.

Importantly for decolonial thought we are all located in relation to the colonial difference that structures our modern/colonial order. It is only from an awareness of our positioned realities that we can enter in relation with each-other, that we can listen to each-other and learn each-other.

About the author: Rolando Vázquez is Professor of Post/Decolonial Theories and Literatures, with a focus on the Global South at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam. Since 2010, he co-directs with Walter Mignolo the annual Maria Lugones Decolonial Summer School. He is advisor at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam and the TextielMuseum in Tilburg.

From the foreword by Gloria Wekker: 'Rolando teaches students, but really all of us, critical literacy with regard to images, TV, films, history, and everything that daily feeds and teaches us the content of what it means to be human, modern, an individual, which always already means being superior to animals, Earth and others of colour and taking distance from them, who is included and who is excluded from that dominant imagery, that “choreography of thinking and sensing”, as Rolando puts it.

I am not often moved by academic work, but I am by the poetic quality of this work.'