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  • Im Memoriam Jan van Munster (1939-2024)
  • Jap Sam Books

Im Memoriam Jan van Munster (1939-2024)

Im Memoriam Jan van Munster (1939-2024)


On May 28th, 2024 visual artist Jan van Munster (1939-2024) passed away.

Electric light as a theme and 'material' (in the broadest sense) of art played an important role in the oeuvre of Van Munster. Since the 1970s, and in particular since developing his Brainwaves (from 1997 on), many of his sculptures work with sources of light or may be described as illuminants radiating into the surrounding space. In 2012 Jap Sam Books worked together with Van Munster to publish his book Jan van Munster Licht | Light. This book for the first time comprehensively documented the extremely heterogeneous group of van Munster's works with light, thus impressively demonstrating the significance and the diverse use of light in the work of the sculptor.

Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones.

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    Jap Sam Books