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Prix de Rome Architecture 2022 exhibition opening

Prix de Rome Architecture 2022 exhibition opening

Photo: Aad Hoogendoorn

The grand opening of the Prix de Rome Architecture 2022 exhibition named Healing Sites took place last week. The healing sites the nominated architects worked on during the past months will be on show until April 9th, 2023 in Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam. 

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Launch "Tools for Collective Learning" 4-5 November


Friday November 4th the new publication Tools for Collective Learning wil launch at Kunstinstituut Melly. This publication about Melly's Name Change Initiative is co-published with Kunstinstituut Melly. The program is part of a weekend of celebrations featuring conversation, screening, performance and refreshments.

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BOOK LAUNCH INVITATION 'Solar Futures: How to Design a Post-Fossil World with the Sun'

BOOK LAUNCH INVITATION 'Solar Futures: How to Design a Post-Fossil World with the Sun'

Jap Sam Books and Marjan van Aubel would like to invite you for the book launch of Solar Futures on 8th of September at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam at 13:30 PM.

Solar Futures, the past, present and future of solar energy mapped out by award-winning solar designer Marjan van Aubel. Additional texts by Matylda Krzykowski and Sander Mann, Edited by Marjan van Aubel and Eleonoor Jap Sam and with a beautiful design by SJG (Joost Grootens, Dimitri Jeannottat and Julie da Silva). With the support of the Creative Industries Fund NL, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and the Sandberg Institute.

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SAVE THE DATE! Book launch September 2nd 'Doorways. Michiel Kluiters'

SAVE THE DATE! Book launch September 2nd 'Doorways. Michiel Kluiters'

Jap Sam Books, artist Michiel Kluiters and designer Edwin van Gelder (Mainstudio) are excited to announce the book launch of Doorways. Michiel Kluiters at Athenaeum Bookstore in Amsterdam. This publication consists of a collection of recent photographic works by Michiel Kluiters exploring spatiality, beautifully designed by Mainstudio.

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'GABO Portrait of a Sculpture/Portret van een sculptuur' browsing sessions

'GABO Portrait of a Sculpture/Portret van een sculptuur' browsing sessions

Jap Sam Books, Sculpture International Rotterdam (SIR), Visual Arts & Public Space (BKOR) and CBK Rotterdam presented GABO: Portrait of a Sculpture / Portret van een sculptuur. At the beginning of the evening prior to the book launch a browsing session was recorded by Arthur Bueno and Sannetje van Haarst.

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BOOK LAUNCH! 'How To Make Sculpture Move' July 1st

BOOK LAUNCH! 'How To Make Sculpture Move' July 1st

Friday July 1st we will launch How To Make Sculpture Move, a publication by artist Ruta Butkute, writer/artist Emily Kocken and Designer Eva van der Schans at Bradwolff Projects in Amsterdam. This event is your chance to experience a unique take on sculpture and performativity.

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Shortlist Prix de Rome 2022 Architecture 'Healing Sites'

Shortlist Prix de Rome 2022 Architecture 'Healing Sites'

The jury of the Prix de Rome has selected four entries for the shortlist for the Prix de Rome 2022 Architecture: Healing Sites from 53 anonymous entries. The Prix de Rome is the oldest and most generous award in the Netherlands for visual artists under the age of 40 and architects under the age of 35. Jap Sam Books will publish the accompanying publication. Today we will introduce you to the architects and their submission for the open call from which they were selected. 

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